Generally speaking, we all want to be the best person we can be for things that matter most important to us. Whether it’s being a trained pianist, elementary school teacher, or project manager at work, we want to be in a position of excellence, competency, and effectiveness.  As members of the Black, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, and POC communities, perfection is something we were taught to seek early in life.  However, what are the possible implications when we strive for perfection? According to the Oxford English Dictionary, perfection is defined as “the condition, state, or quality of being as free as possible from all flaws or defects.” Striving for perfection can have severe impacts on our mental wellness, resulting in Depression, Anxiety and Low Self Esteem

A person sits in a dark room while looking at their laptop. Learn how a black therapist in Brooklyn, NY can offer support with addressing perfectionism. Learn more about therapy in Bedstuy by searching “online therapy New York” today.

Striving for perfection has adverse impacts on our mental health. Plus, striving for perfection can lead to burnout, fatigue and isolation. When we are focused on one thing for too long of a time, it can result in neglecting other needs. We are multi-dimensional individuals ensuring we are taking care of ourselves mentally, emotionally, physically, socially, and spiritually are all very essential.

Striving for perfection can result in:

  • Neglecting emotional needs and/or cultivating time for friendships/social interactions. 
  • Debilitating disappointment and frustration creates feelings of failure and inadequacy. 
  • Viewing self negatively 
  • Eliciting black-and-white thinking; providing no in-between or balance between perfection and failure.
  • Missing out on the joy and beauty of doing the things you enjoy and/or are passionate about. 

The process of striving for perfection can be an overwhelming, anxiety-provoking, mentally exhausting journey and comes at multiple costs of ones’ wealth and life

A close up of a person on their phone and laptop. This could represent trying to do too much at once. Learn how therapy in Bedstuy can offer support for overcoming perfectionism by contacting a black therapist in Brooklyn, NY. Or, search online therapy New York today.

Why strive for perfection when you can strive for excellence?

Unlike striving for perfection; striving for excellence is more likely to provide us with satisfaction and fulfillment of the results. Within striving for excellence, there is a desire to perform well, but isn’t a fixation on being perfectly flawless. This creates an air of relief and space for individuals to attain goals without the overwhelming pressure of achieving a perfect score. Striving for balance creates balance because when we strive for excellence within a specific task or project, we make room for growth, insight, and grace of being unapologetically human. When we strive for perfection, it also allows us to explore other things in the process. For example, we can study for a high-stake professional exam and still make time to engage in physical activities such as running or yoga; we can compete in the marathon but also allow space to connect with family and friends. By striving for excellence, you are focused on your goal, but not necessarily neglecting other meaningful things in life. Rather than turn the other cheek at flaws, or shortcomings, those who strive for excellence, instead, embrace their mistakes.

We would do a lot better if we pursued striving for perfection compared to striving for excellence. It would symbolize that we are human, perfectly flawed, but also that there is more to the experience and pursuit than to what happens at the final destination. Striving for excellence makes us enjoy the present moment and accept doing the best that you can regardless of the outcomes. 

Therapy for Perfectionism in New York can help

One way to begin understanding and learning how to distinguish between perfection and excellence is through therapy. With the use of various therapeutic orientations such as Schema Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, we at SG Wellness can assist you in identifying the root causes of perfectionism, establish your triggers for it and develop tools and skills to lean more towards excellence.

A person with a clipboard writes notes while a woman across from her gestures with her hands. Learn how a black therapist in Brooklyn, NY can offer support with mindfulness therapy in Brooklyn, NY and other services. Search for therapy in Bedstuy to learn more today.<br />
A person with a clipboard writes notes while a woman across from her gestures with her hands. Learn how a black therapist in Brooklyn, NY can offer support with mindfulness therapy in Brooklyn, NY and other services. Search for therapy in Bedstuy to learn more today.<br />

See how a black therapist in Brooklyn, NY can help you could benefit from therapy for perfectionism, anxiety, or low-self-esteem today!

You deserve support in building long-lasting, healthy relationships. To get started, learn more about SG wellness in New York. Our brown and black therapists are here to support you. You can start your therapy journey by following these simple steps:

  1. Schedule a free consultation now to begin your mental health journey!
  2. Meet with a caring therapist
  3. Start receiving the support you deserve!

    Other Therapy Services SG Wellness Offers:


    Finding support for your mental health matters. Our therapists in NY are here for you and your needs. At our therapy practice, we have therapists who identify as black therapists, Latinx therapists, Dominican, & BIPOC. It’s our mission to offer multicultural counseling that serves you and your needs. We offer therapy for people of color, therapy for Latinx individuals, indigenous populations, and middle eastern clients, as well as therapy for men and women. If you’re looking for a safe space we are here for you.

    Additionally, if you’re looking for another kind of support other than therapy for self-esteem we have more services. Other services we offer include anxiety treatment and therapy for perfectionismdepression treatment, individual therapy, therapy for young and emerging adults, therapy for self-esteem, individual relationship therapy. All of our services are offered via online therapy in New York. Areas we serve include Staten Island, The Bronxs, Queens, and Brooklyn, NY. When you’re ready, let’s work together.