SG Wellness Blog

Where our therapist share and provide their thoughts on various mental health topics

Stuck in a Mental Loop: 3 Tips to Help

Stuck in a Mental Loop: 3 Tips to Help

Mental loops are repetitive cycles of thought patterns that do not seem to stop. These thoughts replay in your head without any solution and usually, they can drain your energy, disrupt your peace of mind, and at times make you feel stuck. These repetitive thoughts...

Stuck in a Rut: What Have I Done This Year

Stuck in a Rut: What Have I Done This Year

It's easy to feel stuck, especially when we hit that "year-in-review" point and wonder, what did I even accomplish? The feeling of being in a rut often comes with a sense of stagnation or even frustration. Whether it’s because of unrealized goals, unexpected setbacks,...

Relationship Stress and Social Media

Relationship Stress and Social Media

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, offering a platform to stay in touch with friends and family, share experiences, and connect with new people. While it has the potential to bring us closer by facilitating communication and sharing life’s...

Therapy for BIPOC Young Adults

Therapy for BIPOC Young Adults

World conflicts, economic woes, effects from a global pandemic, widespread violence, the cost of living crisis, an upcoming U.S. presidential election…there are so many things going on right now with potential negative effects for everyone. However, the way these...

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Are you ready for a change in your life? Therapy can help! Our therapist at SG Wellnes are here to assist BIPOC individuals learn how to manage their day to day while creating a life of peace and joy.

Email us today at  or schedule a consultation below to be matched with a therapist.

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We are here to help. You do not have to do this alone. Email us today at to schedule a free 15 minutes phone consultation. Let us know who you will like to work with or just ask for the next available therapist.
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SG Wellness Mental Health Counseling PLLC 

Brooklyn NY 11216 
